Devoted to the pathology of exotic, zoo, and wildlife species for over 25 years

Devoted to the pathology of exotic, zoo, and wildlife species for over 25 years

Amphibian diseases

After many years of diagnostic work with these 131 amphibians, frequently processed in serial cross-sections of their entire body, I have learned a great deal about amphibian diseases. Years of dedication to this study also passed, probably months of my life spent photographically documenting this cases... quite a challenge while working in a specialized diagnostic service with around 1600 cases per year in recent years for a single pathologist, and caring for of two little people in great need of playing. The first part, dedicated to infectious and parasitic diseases, has recently been published in the journal Clínica Veterinaria de Pequeños Animales (40 (1): 15-27, 2020) of AVEPA. With this study, our desire was to offer diagnostic materials based on image, color, and practical topics useful for disseminating amphibian medicine in Spanish. We are honored to have received the 2nd award of the XXIII Edición del Premio Científico de AVEPA - Miguel Luera for this article, which allows me to recover the enthusiasm about the concept of pathology for conservation and not remain in mere words. This achievement is for conservation. We hope that the second part of this study will soon be published, which includes the rest of the diseases diagnosed in these 131 patients. I am grateful to so many people who have referred amphibian cases (and many other species!) to Noah's Path for so many years; to my histotechnology laboratory Synlab Global Diagnostics for their extraordinary work on tissue slides; to my rotating UNAM residents Celic Berenice Montoya, Mayra Chávez and Rubén Arturo López for being essential in keeping Noah's Path afloat in the most difficult years; to my great teachers Alberto Marco, Mariano Domingo and Pepe Ramos at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for instilling in me the essential bases of knowledge and methodology in pathology; to Amy Camacho and Alberto Parás with our Africam Safari and all my people from Mexico for 4 wonderful years of my life that made my personality express and grow; to my mentor Mike Garner for so many teachings as a pathologist and as a father, and above all for his friendship - or rather brotherhood -, unbreakable for more than 22 years, and for his fantastic sense of humor; and to my wonderful family for making possible and motivating me in an essential way for this dedication and this achievement, especially to my mother Maite - "a la mare" - and her friend-sister María, who have been an extraordinary example of dedication, self-denial, constancy, organization, honesty, kindness and altruism. And to my little people who are in great need of playing, I ask them above all that when they get older they remember a lot about Compostito and why amphibians are so important on our planet.

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